TIME Magazine VS. Exercise

John Cloud has written an article that will be considered blasphemy by many in the fitness arena, including many in my own profession of physical therapy. The article appears in the August 17, 2009 TIME magazine and is titled “Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin.” Quite a provocative title, eh?

There have been some good reviews recently of what science actually has to say about weight loss and these reviews are consistent with the overall theme of Clouds article. This one is excellent.

Does this mean that you should stop exercising because it is a waste of time? Of course not. Exercise has an excellent track record in quality research for having many many health benefits, and the TIME article is sure to make this point.

Many will take this information as disheartening. But, there is no need for this. As with all good information it adds to our understanding. How would the information in this article change your approach to weight loss?


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