About FMPT

Welcome to Forward Motion Physical Therapy!

Forward Motion Physical Therapy has been a trusted provider of on-site physical therapy services in Vancouver, WA, and its surrounding areas since 2008. With a commitment to enhancing workplace health and well-being, we specialize in delivering comprehensive care directly at the workplace, ensuring convenience, efficiency, and optimal outcomes for both employers and workers.

Benefits of On-Site Services to the Workplace:

Our on-site services offer numerous advantages to employers, including:

  • Cost Savings: By efficiently managing injured workers, preventing injuries and promoting musculoskeletal well-being, we help reduce healthcare costs, minimize lost time, and enhance worker retention, ultimately boosting productivity and saving on expenses.
  • Improved Workforce Productivity: Our proactive approach to musculoskeletal health not only aids in managing cases effectively but also assists in making informed return-to-work decisions, ensuring a healthier and more productive workforce.

Benefits to Workers:

Employees also reap significant benefits from our on-site services, including:

  • Cost Savings: When our services are covered by the workplace, workers see the cost benefit of not having to arrange services elsewhere.
  • Convenience: With services provided directly at the workplace, employees can access care without disrupting their schedules or commute, fostering convenience and engagement.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Our expert therapists address musculoskeletal concerns, promoting improved comfort both at work and in daily activities.
  • Access to Expertise: Employees benefit from the expertise of our knowledgeable professionals in musculoskeletal health and fitness, receiving personalized care and guidance tailored to their needs.

Services Provided:

At Forward Motion Physical Therapy, we offer a comprehensive range of on-site services, including:

  • Functional Job Analysis (FJA): FJAs provide accurate, measured data crucial for understanding the essential physical demands of the jobs. This data aids in improving decision-making regarding return to work and stay at work scenarios. Additionally, the improved understanding of the physical make up of the job assists in performing ergonomic analyses and establishing prevention approaches.
  • Ergonomic Analysis: Identifying and addressing ergonomic risk factors to enhance employee comfort and productivity.
  • Triage and Prevention Care: Proactive measures to prevent injuries and provide timely services for early recovery or early identification of need for further evaluation and/or care.
  • Injured Worker Care: Comprehensive rehabilitation services tailored to injured workers, facilitating their safe return to work.
  • Functional Testing: Assessing and monitoring functional abilities to guide rehabilitation progress.
  • Employee Training: Educational programs to equip employees with skills for musculoskeletal health, well-being, and injury prevention.
  • Implementation of Worker Skills: Integration of ergonomic principles and self-care techniques into daily routines for sustained musculoskeletal wellness.
  • On-site Walkthroughs: Engaging directly with workers on the floor to monitor progress, address workstation concerns, respond to general inquiries, and observe physical practices.

At Forward Motion Physical Therapy, we are dedicated to promoting workplace wellness through accessible, high-quality care delivered directly at your workplace. With a focus on prevention, rehabilitation, and employee empowerment, we strive to maximize the health, comfort, and productivity of your workforce.

Experience the benefits of on-site physical therapy with Forward Motion Physical Therapy – your partner in occupational health and well-being.