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The Movement Diet

Ever heard of the Irish Potato Famine? The Irish had found the perfect food. The potato was energy dense and plentiful and for reasons that are easy to understand, it became a staple. Eventually as much as 30% of the population took it beyond the status of staple and became totally dependent on the potato. And then it happened. Disease destroyed the potato crop. Without a viable substitute, widespread famine, starvation, and death resulted. Pain with movement is often similar to this. Well, except for the starvation and death part.… Read more The Movement Diet

When Pain Appears Everything Changes

In this previous post I argued that the Ticking Time Bomb theory of body mechanics is problematic. Now this is clearly blasphemy since “sound” body mechanics is seen as a pillar of my own profession of physical therapy. Am I ready to denounce my own profession as well as many others? No. Body mechanics clearly plays a role and many of us use movement every day to help people with pain. So what gives? Am I talking out of both sides of my mouth? No. I’m saying that when pain… Read more When Pain Appears Everything Changes

The Ticking Time Bomb

People worry that imperfect movements create patterns of strain that make them a ticking time bomb to be struck down with pain at any moment. But will they? I have 3 questions: 1) Why don’t people with cerebral palsy hurt constantly at every joint? *Cerebral palsy is a condition where movements are difficult to control and where movement and postural asymmetry are common How do you explain why so many people display these imperfect and asymmetrical movement patterns but have no pain? But maybe they are all just ticking time… Read more The Ticking Time Bomb